Information for suppliers

Guidance on how to work with AstraZeneca

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Supplier Finance Portal

Register for our Supplier Finance Support Portal for questions about invoice status,
payment queries and more.

For guidance, watch the Supplier Finance Portal video below:

Supplier Finance Portal video


Quick queries


AstraZeneca operates a “No PO, No Pay” policy.

View the terms and conditions referred to in the text of the purchase order.


Our preferred method of invoice receipt is paperless. Wherever possible, suppliers should submit invoices electronically – by the Coupa Supplier Portal (CSP) or the Supplier Actionable Notification(SAN).

Third-party risk management (3PRM)

The 3PRM process identifies and manages risks associated with supplier activities to help protect AstraZeneca’s delivery, reputation and licence to operate.

How to work with us

Supplier Sustainability

All our partners are expected to meet sustainability standards as a pre-requisite for working with us.

We have chosen independent, industry-leading partners to help us drive this standardisation, as together we work to decarbonise the supply chain.

For more information about why this is important, visit our Sustainable Procurement page, and for supplier specific support on how to comply with our sustainability expectations, explore the Supplier Sustainability Hub.

Quick references

Bank detail changes

Discrepancies in supplier details (i.e. differences between the details on the invoice and those on the AstraZeneca system/PO) will lead to delays in processing of invoices and possible rejection. It is therefore important that you notify us of any changes as soon as possible. Supplier details can be changed by contacting your local Helpdesk or Support Portal. Note that depending on the details you are changing, you may be contacted to provide confirmation/supporting documentation. An immediate response to any such request will ensure your details are updated on a timely basis and ensure no delays to invoice payments.

Coupa e-invoicing support

Global buying channel support (GBCS) supplier enablement should be contacted for questions on the following Coupa e-invoicing topics:

  • Technical issues when uploading invoices and credit notes to AstraZeneca through Coupa Supplier Portal
  • Coupa Supplier Portal invitations and connection requests
  • cXML punchout / PO / Invoice Integrations

Contact GBCS supplier enablement team

Cyber security risk assessment

Once the cyber security risk questionnaire has been completed, if a risk has been identified, further investigation might be required. If this happens, the vendor will be sent an email asking them to fill out a Saas-based questionnaire which is a different platform to the 3PRM platform.

E-sourcing and e-auctions

We use e-sourcing solutions because they provide clear and easy access to information right across the procurement process. We also use e-auctions to carry out open negotiations and to allow suppliers to refine their bids in real time, responding to live market information.

You’ll be invited to e-sourcing or e-auctions by direct email which will provide all the information you need to get started.

Invoicing methods

Please submit your invoices to AstraZeneca via preferred invoicing channels: the Coupa Supplier Portal (CSP) or the Supplier Actionable Notification (SAN).

Click here to learn how to use e-invoicing channels.

For invoices with a billing address from China, please submit the invoices using Ariba – iBuy.

If the Coupa Supplier Portal (CSP) or Supplier Actionable Notification (SAN) is unavailable in your country, or if you are unable to use these channels, please send invoices via email. Emailed invoices should be sent directly to the central invoice inbox (as listed here), and not to our employees or Helpdesks.

How to send your invoice

Invoices must be in one of the following formats: PDF, TIFF or JPEG.

  • Each attachment must contain one invoice only - multiple invoices within a single attachment cannot be processed
  • Your invoice must be attached directly to the email and not embedded in a separate email attachment
  • One e-mail can include multiple invoices, but each invoice must be attached separately
  • If your invoice contains multiple pages of supporting documents, please ensure the invoice is on the first page of the attachment
  • The total size of documents within one email cannot exceed 50MB

Preferred supplier status

At AstraZeneca, we build strategic relationships with preferred suppliers to help us deliver life changing medicines to patients.The status of a preferred supplier depends on several key factors:

  • A commitment to support AstraZeneca's Sustainability Ambition
  • Delivery of Goods and Services at the right time and cost, to enable our operations 

We continually welcome new entrants who bring healthy competition.

Standard payment terms

Once we get your invoice we apply standard payment terms . These terms are also stated on the purchase order (PO) request.  Any queries should be sent to your AstraZeneca contact, only once you’ve received the PO

Invoices will be paid in line with the payment terms you have agreed with AstraZeneca. Our standard payment terms are based on the receipt date, and can be found on the corresponding PO document. Contact your local Helpdesk if you need to clarify the date for a specific invoice.

Supply chain financing

We’ve partnered with Taulia to provide a supplier portal for early payments on approved invoices at competitive financing rates. Features include:

  • Visibility of all approved invoices, including history of the previous six months
  • An early payment option for approved invoices - discounted at competitive rates
  • Control of your receipts - suppliers select when they want early payment
  • Accurate cash-flow forecasting - provides full visibility of when invoices are due for payment
  • Unlimited portal access - 24/7 payment process visibility

Supply chain financing is currently only available to suppliers working with AstraZeneca UK, Sweden, Germany, and the United States. For more information on AstraZeneca’s partnership with Taulia, please click here. For details of how to apply, please contact the appropriate email address below:

North America

United Kingdom



Vendor onboarding

Only an AstraZeneca employee can request vendor creation/ onboarding to transact with a trade, non-trade supplier or a Health Care Organisation (acting as a trade supplier) in the preferred location. An invoice or letterheaded document from the supplier must be attached to submit the form for vendor creation.